DG Parcel provides international shipping solutions for consignments classified as Dangerous Goods. Whether you are a business looking to transport large volumes of Hazardous goods, or an individual simply looking to send a bottle of perfume, we can help.
We can assist with shipments originating in the UK and USA.
Shipping your Hazardous Goods Worldwide
UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 8064 0730
US Tel: +1 321 613 1351
Email: mail@dgparcel.com
Hours: 9AM - 5PM

Distribution & Fulfilment
We can hold your stock and fulfil orders from our UK and US facilities
We can break a a consolidated consignment of small packages at our warehouse and distribute locally by cost-effective ground shipping.
UK Point-to-Point
We can arrange pickup and delivery within mainland UK via our courier partners, and guide you through the packing and and labeling
DG Parcel can leverage our trans-Atlantic operations to reduce your hazardous goods international distribution costs.
Distribute your orders more cost effectively across the USA & Canada by shipping consolidated consignments to our US warehouse, where we can break out the individually packaged orders for onward distribution by ground within North America. We can similarly provide cost-effective ground distribution across the UK and Europe from our UK warehouse.
If you are interested in us holding your inventory and fulfiling orders directly, please contact us to discuss.